Our Community

The City of Batesville, Mississippi

The Land upon which present day Batesville is situated originally belonged to a Chickasaw Indian called Ish-Sho-Nu-Nah. It was part of the Chickasaw cession to the Federal Government, which in turn vested title to over 2000 acres of land to Ish-Sho-Nu-Nah by the treaty of Pontotoc Creek in 1832.

Elevation 233 feet

Time Zone  - CST / except summer CDT

Total land Area - 11.1 Square Miles

USPS Zip Code - 38606  / Area Code - 662

Location Coordinates:

34°19′4″N 89°56′33″W / 34.31778°N 89.9425°W / 34.31778; -89.9425

The City Webite is at: http://cityofbatesvillems.com/

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